Der Kurs ist in 12 Einheiten. Jede Einheit hat eine feste Struktur mit 4 Lektionen:
🎧 Präsentation: Höre dir ein Gespräch an oder lies einen Abschnitt.
📚 Grammatik: Lerne die Grammatik auf natürliche und kontextuelle Weise mit Beispielen aus dem Gespräch oder Abschnitt und mache viele Übungen.
🧑🏫 Vokabular: Merke dir leicht Sätze und Ausdrücke durch mündliche Wiederholung mit mir.
🍕 Kultur: Kurze Lektionen zur italienischen Kultur mit Video, um deine Hörfähigkeit zu verbessern.
Siehe FAQ-Bereich unten auf der Seite oder kontaktieren Sie uns hier.

Mein Kurs Italiano Vero wird dich herausfordern und dir helfen, solide grammatikalische und lexikalische Grundlagen auf natürliche und kontextuelle Weise aufzubauen, sodass du dich sicherer fühlst, wenn du Italienisch sprichst. Sprechen wird kein Problem mehr sein!

❌ Du verstehst gut, aber kannst nicht so sprechen, wie du möchtest?
❌ Du möchtest natürlicher klingen, wenn du sprichst?
❌ Du verstehst einige grammatikalische Themen nicht, die alle falsch machen?
❌ Du möchtest dich mehr Teil der italienischen Kultur fühlen?
❌ Du möchtest andere Schülerinnen und Schüler kennenlernen, aber weißt nicht wie?

Bist du bereit, Italiano Vero zu sprechen?
✅ 12 Einheiten
✅ Videolektionen zu Grammatik, Wortschatz und Kultur
✅ Untertitel auf 5 Sprachen für jedes Video
✅ Viele Übungen und zusätzliche Materialien
✅ Zugang zu einer wundervollen Community
⚠️ Der Kurs ist für Anmeldungen geschlossen.
Klicken Sie hier, um sich auf die Warteliste zu setzen, und Sie erhalten bald weitere Informationen über den Kurs.

Questo corso, Italiano Vero, è ottimo per gli studenti italiani che vogliono capire meglio i dettagli della lingua. Teacher Stefano spiega tutti i concetti in un modo chiaro e preciso. Consiglierei questo corso per chi vuole migliorare la propria comprensione della lingua. Le unità sono ben organizzate e il corso è molto completo. I materiali è eccezionali! Ci sono tanti esercizi per approfondire l'argomento. E se hai una domanda, puoi scriverla e gli insegnanti rispondono subito. Sono molto contenta di aver seguito questo corso!
Diane S.
Sono così contenta di aver superato con qualche esitazione iniziale per seguire il corso. Non ero sicura che mi sarebbe piaciuta l'esperienza online. Ma ho scoperto che il corso (con il supporto di Gaia) offre un valore incredibile per il suo costo. È ben strutturato e il contenuto è molto interessante. Le spiegazioni di Stefano sui vari punti grammaticali sono chiare e sempre seguite da esempi. Inoltre, fornisce brevi dialoghi per illustrare i punti grammaticali. Il corso mi è piaciuto moltissimo e lo consiglio
fortemente ad altri.
Vilma R.

Ich bin Lehrer Stefano, ein Online-Italienischlehrer seit 7 Jahren! Ich bin Italienerin und liebe mein Land und deshalb teile ich seit mehr als zwei Jahren meine Leidenschaft für die italienische Sprache und Kultur im Internet!

Beginnen Sie jetzt Ihre schöne Reise in Richtung des wahren und authentischen Italienisch, das wir in Italien sprechen, um sich immer mehr als Teil unserer wunderbaren Kultur zu fühlen 🤗
When does the course start and finish?The course starts now and never ends. It is a completely self-paced online course. You decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?How does a lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like, across any and all devices you own. You will also get all future updates to the course.
What if I am unhappy with the course?We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are not satisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 14* days and we will give you a full refund. *We do not issue refunds if more than 25% of the course has been completed.
I have questions about Italian and/or some of the quizzes? How do I get in touch with you?We understand that when you’re learning a new language, you may have many questions about the language itself, how to use a specific word, how to conjugate a verb, or what’s the nicest way to tell your partner that you don’t want to share your pizza with them. For that reason, we wanted to feel closer to our students and created a private support chat. Upon enrollment, if you selected the “Molto Italiano” plan or above you will receive an email to contact Stefano and his team by e-mail or WhatsApp. We strongly suggest to use WhatsApp so that we can reply using vocal messages, they help a lot when you have a question about pronunciation.
How long will it take for you to respond to my questions and/or get corrections on my homework?Our commitment is to reply to all questions and submit assignment corrections within 48 hours. However, we tend to respond much faster. Note that you will have to be enrolled in our “Molto Italiano” plan or above to submit your questions and assignments.
I have some technical issues with the course and/or flashcards app? What can I do?Send us an email to hello@teacherstefano.com with your questions and our support team will assist you to solve your problems. We usually respond to all technical questions in 24 hours Mon-Fri.
Do I get access to the whole course when I enroll?No, you don’t. Our course is very comprehensive and we’re afraid it might be overwhelming if you have access to all the material at once. For this reason we carefully divided the course into several units and made sure each unit could be completed in about a week. Some units are shorter on purpose to allow you to revise what you’ve studied so far and go back to the things you’ve struggled the most with before moving on to the next unit. For this reason, units will unlock every week. Let’s say you enroll today, you will get instant access to Unit 0. In one week, Unit 1 will unlock, in two weeks Unit 2, and so on.
I am progressing faster and I want access to the whole course now. What can I do?In Italian we say “chi va piano, va sano e va lontano” (slow and steady wins the race), however if you want access to the whole course right away we are happy to give it to you. Just send us an email to hello@teacherstefano.com and we will give you full access.
How long does it take to finish the course?It depends. The standard length of the course is 6 months, some students may take more. You should take as much time as you need to finish the course.
I don’t want 24/7 support now. Can I buy it in the future if I want?Yes. You might realize you need some extra help in the future. You will be able to buy support separately at full price in the future ($200). Just contact us at hello@teacherstefano.com and we will show you how to do that.
How long does your support last?From when you buy the course you will have access to our support for the whole standard duration of the course (5 months) + one extra month (total 6 months). Therefore you can ask us all your questions and submit your assignments from when you enroll to up to 6 months. Note that you will have to be enrolled in our “Molto Italiano” plan or above to submit your questions and assignments.
How do I know if this course is for me?Stefano worked very hard to make this course fit as many learning styles as possible and we added in the course all possible activities that you need to actually learn the language. With a little effort and commitment we believe you’ll achieve amazing results. If you don't know if this course is the right choice for you, send us an email to hello@teacherstefano.com and we will schedule a free call with you.
What level will I be at the end of this course?This course is for absolute beginners, or early beginners to help them achieve a good understanding of the basics of the Italian language. At the end of the course you will have a solid foundation of Italian grammar, you will be able to handle many real life situations and handle basic conversations with native speakers.
Is there any additional tool or resource I should use along with the course?Our course is very comprehensive and it covers all aspects when it comes to learn a new language (grammar, reading, writing, listening, understanding). We strongly recommend practicing what you learn with our course with native Italians after the first 10 units. Most of our past students have used apps to find language partners to practice what they’ve been learning with us. We noticed much bigger improvements in conversational skills and overall confidence in speaking Italian. If you would like to know more about this, send us an email to hello@teacherstefano.com
Are there prerequisites or language requirements?No, our course is for absolute beginners or early beginners. No previous knowledge of Italian is required as we start from the very basics, like pronunciation.
Will I be given an official certificate upon completion of my course?No, the goal of our course is not giving you a piece of paper “certifying” your knowledge of the language, but actually teaching you Italian and giving you the confidence to speak it with people.
What platforms can I use to access the course?Our course is supported on all electronic devices and all browsers. You just need a computer, tablet or smartphone and an internet connection. You can access the course from multiple devices and all your progress will automatically synch between your devices.

Um den Kurs zugänglicher zu machen
Alle Videos im Kurs sind zu 100% auf Italienisch, damit du vollständig in die Sprache eintauchen kannst! Du kannst die Untertitel auf Italienisch (empfohlene Option) oder Englisch, Spanisch, Portugiesisch oder Deutsch lesen.

Um die Themen besser zu verankern!
Um eine Sprache zu lernen, ist viel Übung erforderlich, daher wird jedes Kursvideo von Übungen begleitet, um das Gelernte in die Praxis umzusetzen. Jede Woche geben wir dir auch zusätzliche Übungen, damit du deine sprachlichen Fähigkeiten trainieren kannst!

Teile deine sprachliche Reise!
Viele andere Studenten mit den gleichen Zielen warten in der Gemeinschaft auf Sie! Sie können über Ihre Interessen sprechen, Fragen stellen und vor allem neue Freunde treffen, so dass Sie sich beim Italienischlernen nie einsam fühlen werden!